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And contribute to protecting our ocean.

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Reef - Coral Guardian

Support our work

Your donations allow us to pursue and strengthen our actions to protect coral ecosystems.


Raise awareness with our kit!

awareness kit
awareness kit

We have developed a ‘raise awareness’ kit that is available for anyone wishing to raise awareness of the importance of coral reefs and the dangers they face. The kit includes a quiz of 8 questions and answers, a speech already written, a fact sheet on corals and restoration techniques, videos, as well as various supports to give a short presentation to your school, colleagues, family, or anyone!

So far, the kit has been used by people of all ages in schools, diving centers, youth hostels and companies. Contact us to find out more!

I’m interested in receiving the kit!



We’re launching our eco-volunteering programme in Indonesia! It’s being run in partnership with the travel agency Mahalo – Voyages. You’ll be able to join and help the local team on the island of Hatamin in their coral conservation activities: coral transplantation, social and biological monitoring, awareness-raising activities, and much more! The first dates for 2023 are open on their website. Don’t delay in looking for your next holiday! 🤗

I’m interested in ecovolunteering !

Take action every day


Lilo is a French and ethical search engine which finances free of charge the projects of your choice.

And because your privacy is important, Lilo does not collect your personal data.

Support our project via Lilo!

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Help us raise funds for Coral Guardian when you shop online! It’s easy and free: by shopping online via Prizle, you can take advantage of the opportunity to generate donations without paying a penny more than usual.

Install the extension on your browser


Did you know that: booking your vacation, shopping at the drive, renewing your contact lenses, booking a hotel for a business trip…

Any kind of online purchase can help our organization! (by buying at the same price)

You just need to have the extension installed in your browser at the time of purchase!

Install the extension on your browser


Do you want to get involved in the face of climate change?

NGOs, including ours, are getting together to recommend concrete solutions and actions to citizens for the planet!

Join the adventure by following the “Acting with NGOs” group on the We Act for Good app.

Download the WAG app

Lilo Prizle Facile2soutenir WAG
© Julien Holleville

Lilo is a French and ethical search engine which finances free of charge the projects of your choice.

And because your privacy is important, Lilo does not collect your personal data.

Support our project via Lilo!

Add Lilo as your search engine

© Julien Holleville

Help us raise funds for Coral Guardian when you shop online! It’s easy and free: by shopping online via Prizle, you can take advantage of the opportunity to generate donations without paying a penny more than usual.

Install the extension on your browser

© Jonathan Jonderko - W2P

Did you know that: booking your vacation, shopping at the drive, renewing your contact lenses, booking a hotel for a business trip…

Any kind of online purchase can help our organization! (by buying at the same price)

You just need to have the extension installed in your browser at the time of purchase!

Install the extension on your browser

Adopt a coral - Coral Guardian

Do you want to get involved in the face of climate change?

NGOs, including ours, are getting together to recommend concrete solutions and actions to citizens for the planet!

Join the adventure by following the “Acting with NGOs” group on the We Act for Good app.

Download the WAG app

Follow us on social media!

Don’t hesitate to talk about our actions around you, it helps us to act and raise awareness among as many people as possible.