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Sponsor Spotlight : Kamini Humble Bundle

Sponsor Spotlight : Kamini Humble Bundle
Publié par Coral Guardian | Publié le 26 October 2023

Tell us a bit about yourself 🙂


I head up social impact at Humble, and it’s a role that combines my passion for philanthropic work with my experience in digital content and communications. Like everyone else at our company, I want to make a positive difference in the world, in terms of the biggest social and environmental issues we’re all facing. I feel fortunate to be in a position where I can work with teams across Humble and help focus our efforts around charities like Coral Guardian that are able to make good use of the funds that we, along with our publishing and development partners, are able to raise with our global community.


Why is our cause important to you and your partners?


It’s been clear for years now that our planet needs help battling the effects of global warming, and that’s why Climate Change & Sustainability has been one of our five key social impact focus areas at Humble. Coral reefs are a vital part of a healthy planetary ecology, in many ways—they help feed us, they protect our shorelines from erosion, they provide jobs in developing countries, they’re a source for important scientific and medical research. Coral Guardian’s work to protect coral ecosystems is helping to preserve these benefits for all of us.


One of our developer partners, Soma Putera at Stairway Games—the company that created the charity content for their game Coral Island that resulted in our recent donation—also said something recently that I think captures the importance of this work: “Global pollution is having a devastating effect on this planet we all share, and our hope is that awareness of that will grow and people will be inspired to take action, no matter how small . . . even if it’s just taking their trash home with them from the beach like in our game, to help make a difference.”


What worries you most about the current state of coral reefs ?


Coral reefs are extremely susceptible to rising sea temperatures; as carbon emissions continue leading to increased global temperatures, the seas will likely become less hospitable for coral and that could lead to degradation of these sensitive ecosystems. The more coral we lose, the more we risk losing the benefits that coral provides. Like many others who care about the health of our planet, I’m just worried that we won’t be able to do enough quickly enough to slow down global warming and protect ourselves from its impact.

What gives you hope for the protection of coral reefs?


I’m definitely inspired by the work that Coral Guardian is doing and the awareness that the UN and other organizations are bringing. I’m also really proud of all my teammates at Humble and our partners for leaning in and contributing to this and other important environmental causes.


I was thrilled that we were able to work with Stairway Games to produce and sell a special charity content pack for their environmentally themed game Coral Island, with 100% of the proceeds dedicated to Coral Guardian. We were able to raise $50,000 from that initiative alone. Earlier this year our Humble Bundle store team offered a special game bundle that raised over $60,000 for Coral Guardian and Trees, Water & People.


Initiatives like these are strong reminders that our community believes in making a difference and will show up to support causes, such as protecting our coral reefs, that they believe in.


How is your company involved in protecting coral ecosystems? 


A lot of people think of Humble as a content store and a game publisher. What we are is a small company with a mission to be a force for good, and what really drives us, together with our community and partners, is that we’re able to turn our passion for games and other content into meaningful help for people and causes in need.


We’re excited about continuing to support environmental causes, as one of our social impact focus areas, with our charity initiatives for many years to come. Given the importance of coral ecosystems to the welfare of planet Earth and everyone living here, we anticipate that contributing to their protection will continue to be a meaningful part of our ongoing efforts.


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