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Is responsible aquariology possible ?

Blurred reef

Aquariology is your passion. Wondering how to do it in a way that best respects coral ecosystems? It is possible by adapting your choices.

Today, the marine aquarium market is increasingly important. Coral reefs are already facing many threats and have become particularly vulnerable. It is therefore essential that the aquarium industry does not add to these problems.


Through responsible purchasing you can minimize your impact on marine biodiversity and thus not seriously interfere with the well-being of these fragile ecosystems. Based on the principle of participatory marine conservation, Coral Guardian proposes to commit to a more responsible aquarium keeping.

To begin with, although in all cases the underwater species are wild, we advise aquarists to turn to animals from respectful breeding rather than removing them from their natural space. We are totally opposed to taking living creatures from the wild because of our values.


The objective of this approach is to raise awareness among retail stores and aquarium enthusiasts about responsible practices and choices so that this hobby can become as environmentally friendly as possible. If enthusiasts make responsible choices, then the whole marketing chain will be obliged to adapt. Your choices are therefore decisive.

Tropical marine aquariums are often accused of taking part in the destruction of reef ecosystems. Indeed, most marine animals are still caught in the wild, local fishermen lack knowledge about fishing methods and maintenance of animals in captivity. But also, the financial resources for this activity are poorly distributed along the distribution chain and local populations of exporting countries, especially fishermen, are the most affected.

This is an opportunity for you to rethink the way you practice your aquarium hobby in a way that respects the coral ecosystems on which it depends.


Aquarium lovers
  • Study the species and their needs.
  • Choose your retailers carefully.
  • Favour species that have been bred.
  • Don’t choose species solely for their price, but also for their maintenance conditions.
  • Keep up to date with the maintenance techniques that are constantly evolving, and which guarantee the living conditions of the animals you sell.
  • Inform and make your customers aware of the origins of your animals, but also of the maintenance constraints of the animals you sell.
  • Preferably import farmed animals.
  • Refuse to sell if you know that there is little or no chance of survival of the animal at your customer’s home.
  • Favour exporters who respect animals and invest in the crop.
Aquarium lovers Retailers
Commerce aquariums
  • Study the species and their needs.
  • Choose your retailers carefully.
  • Favour species that have been bred.
  • Don’t choose species solely for their price, but also for their maintenance conditions.
  • Keep up to date with the maintenance techniques that are constantly evolving, and which guarantee the living conditions of the animals you sell.
  • Inform and make your customers aware of the origins of your animals, but also of the maintenance constraints of the animals you sell.
  • Preferably import farmed animals.
  • Refuse to sell if you know that there is little or no chance of survival of the animal at your customer’s home.
  • Favour exporters who respect animals and invest in the crop.

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